Students Studying

Regional Coordinator Application Form

    Name of Applicant:
    Educational Qualification/s:
    Experience Details: ( in 100 words only)
    Contact Details:
    State Details:
    Region, You are Intrested to work? (in 150 words only)
    Why you want to join us: (in 150 words only)
    How you will promote AICTE: (in 150 words only)
    Upload Photo
    Validatation 1 + 6

    I agree that I have read and understood that the position of Coordinator is an Honorary Position for a period of One year (to be renewed subject to evaluation committee's decision). The Evaluation Committee will review the application and if approved, a confirmation mail will go to the applicant and his/her brief profile will be uploaded in the website. 




The core of the AICTE is the nine Principles of Best Practice for Distance Learning.
The Principles focus on the following areas:
  • Mission
  • Standards
  • Integrity
  • Student admission
  • Human resources
  • Learning environment
  • Teaching and learning
  • Student support
  • Program evaluation
Association of International Colleges in Technical Education is a self accredited organisation for open and distance education community in technology.